Saturday, 29 June 2013

What Causes Schizophrenia - Cure and Treatment

What is Schizophrenia, It is a severe, chronic and debilitating brain disease that often causes bizarre behavior, disorganized speech and hallucinations. A mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by a deficit of typical emotional responses. It can also be said that, Schizophrenia is a mental illness that usually strikes in late adolescence or early adulthood, but can strike at any time in life.

There are five subtypes of schizophrenia: 1) Catatonic, 2) Disorganized, 3) Paranoid, 4) Residual and 5) Undifferentiated. Each subtype will present with its own predominate and significant characteristics.

Common symptoms of Schizophrenia;
What is schizophrenia symptoms, these symptoms include auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking.

Watch this video on  Schizophrenia....

If you’re looking for the best ways to treat "Schizophrenia", then I’m glad you’ve found this website.

Sign of Schizophrenia;
The signs and symptoms vary from individual to individual, but all people with the disorder show varying degree of the following symptoms: The following list are the most common types of schizophrenia.

1. Hallucinations: This usually takes the form of hearing voices that are not there, but people with schizophrenia may also see, smell, taste, and feel things that are not there. "Voices" are the most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia.

2. Delusions: They may have paranoid delusions and believe that others are trying to harm them, such as by cheating, harassing, poisoning, spying on, or plotting against them or the people they care about. These are beliefs that are not true, such as feeling people are following or trying to hurt them, believing other people can read their minds, or beliefs that they have special powers or abilities.

3. Movement disorders may appear as agitated body movements. A person with a movement disorder may repeat certain motions over and over. This can be expressed in many different ways. In short, the individual behaves in ways that seem inappropriate or strange to other people.

4. Disorganized speech: The individual speaks in ways that are hard to understand. For instance, sentences might not make sense, or topic of conversation changes with little or no connection between sentences. 
Sometimes speech is completely incomprehensible.

5. Thought disorders are unusual or dysfunctional ways of thinking. One form of thought disorder is called "disorganized thinking." This is when a person has trouble organizing his or her thoughts or connecting them logically.
6. "Negative symptoms": This includes lack of motivation or interest, diminished cognitive functioning, and decreased emotional expression. Individuals may lose interest in attending to their own personal hygiene, have little interest in interacting with others, and rarely seem to feel or express strong emotions.     

Treatment for Schizophrenia;
Just as different people with schizophrenia can experience different symptoms, the effective treatment for each person is different. Treatments include Antipsychotic medications and various Psychosocial treatments. For individual's treatment program can include one or more of the following:

Antipsychotic Medication, can be very helpful, especially in treating and preventing the acute episodes. It is important that an expert is involved in working out which treatment regime is best. Finding the right medication can be difficult, and a trial-and-error process may have to occur. It is important to be open with the psychiatrist, reporting what symptoms and side-effects are occurring, so the doctor can help to find the best medication to meet individual needs of each patient. It is also important to learn the contraindications of certain medications, such as the effects of alcohol or sunlight on the effectiveness of the medication.

Family & Education: The person with schizophrenia and his or her family members can benefit from learning all they can about the disorder, including how to diminish stress and conflict, which can sometimes help spark a relapse. People with schizophrenia are often discharged from the hospital into the care of their families. So it is important that family members know as much as possible about the disease. 

Individual, group, and family therapy: This can help with problems that arise day to day, as well as setting realistic goals and defining strategies for reaching those goals.

Hospitalization: This is required during some acute phases of the illness or sometimes in order to make changes in medication in a well-controlled, monitored environment.

Support groups and Social Treatment : These can be very important for those with schizophrenia and for their family members and friends. Helping patients with Schizophrenia cope better at home, feel like they are contributing to society, and have better relationships is very important. 

Rehabilitation: Residential, day-treatment, and vocational programs, these programs can help the person with schizophrenia reach his or her highest potential and greatest level of independence.  

Spiritual Treatment, Schizophrenia should be considered in the case of anyone who suddenly seems to develop very strange religious beliefs or experiences.
Psychosocial treatments can help people with schizophrenia who are already stabilized on Antipsychotic medication. Patients who receive regular psychosocial treatment also are more likely to keep taking their medication, and they are less likely to have relapses or be hospitalized.

What Causes Schizophrenia;
What causes schizophrenia is a question that has been ask for generations. Like all mental disorders, schizophrenia are not completely understood or known at this time as such experts think schizophrenia is caused by several factors. 

It has been long understood that schizophrenia runs in families. People who have a close relative with schizophrenia are more likely to develop the disorder than are people who have no relatives with the illness.

Genes and Environment. Scientists have long known that schizophrenia runs in families.
We inherit our genes from both parents.
People who have a close relative with schizophrenia are more likely to develop the disorder than are people who have no relatives with the illness. Scientists believe several genes are associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia, but that no gene causes the disease by itself.

Chemical Defect and Physical Abnormality in the Brain. Experts think that an imbalance in the complex, interrelated chemical reactions of the brain involving the neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate, and possibly others, plays a role in schizophrenia.Neurotransmitters, substances that allow communication between nerve cells, have long been thought to be involved in the development of schizophrenia.

Neuro-Biologists have found that schizophrenia may be a developmental disorder resulting when neurons form inappropriate connections during fetal development. These errors may lie dormant until puberty, when changes in the brain that occur normally during this critical stage of maturation interact adversely with the faulty connections. 

A Healthy Family Social Environment May Reduce Schizophrenia Risk by 86% in High Risk Groups, researchers have repeatedly said, "One of the most easily avoided factors linked to development of schizophrenia are brain-altering street drugs like marijuana and cannabis".

For all the mental illnesses, a change in thinking, emotions, or behavior is the trigger to ask for help.

In a Blog to be written soon I will take an in-dept look at what is bipolar disorder, what is schizophrenia disease, what is schizophrenia disorder and what is depression.

This book takes you by the hand, and shows you step by step one of the easiest and most unique methods to how to stop "Schizophrenia".
Download the book that can help you with "Schizophrenia".

- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
- Patheos
- NIMH - National Institutes of Health
- Psychotic Depression: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments.

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The information and opinions on "What Is Schizophrenia", not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.

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